• 15 Magazine Road, Singapore 059568
  • +65 6533 2880


Our History




当年秋季,陈长万校长过世,”毓兰书室”由保赤宫接办,改称”保赤学校”,以 应时代要求,并聘陈玉玺为校长,以新式学校模式出现。宗祠拨款修葺校舍,扩充设备,
增添教具,发展校务,采用新式学校的课程,包括国语(华语)、算术、历史、地理、自 然、公民,还有英文、图工、音乐、体育等科目,一切依照教育部当时规定的课程准则。

由于校舍的空间有限及经济短缺,学校缺乏图书馆,但教师鼓励各年级学生自行组 织图书处,由学校提供书橱,学生出钱买书,或把家中适合的图书带来,充实班上的图书
处,供同学阅读。学校在这样惨淡经营下,经校长老师的努力,学生的好学,校务进展, 令人满意。

1955年,保赤学校的学生人数达到200人,计有八班,分上下午班上课,并推行复班 教学,由一位老师同时在一个课室上两个年级的功课。老师虽然辛苦,但学生秩序好,学



Our History
Brief introduction of

Po Chiak School

Previous Principal:
– Tan Yi De (Yu Lan Shu Shih)
– Tan Chang Wan (Yu Lan Shu Shih)
– Tan Yu Xi (Po Chiak School)
– Previous Chairman: (post war) Tan Wen Que

In 1945, Japanese army surrendered and Singapore regained hope. The war had disrupted many learning opportunities. For that reason, the school enrolment actually spiked up tremendously after the war ended. There were even enrolments from overage students. This phenomenon prompted many warm-hearted education advocates, clans, and business associations to open up more schools to cater to all children. The restart of this private school had attracted many parents nearby to enroll their children here. There were almost 150 enrolments during the peak. With the assistance from the temple, the private school occupied 2 rooms which were then divided into 4 classrooms to accommodate students for 4 classes. It totally eliminated the old syllabus and taught brand new curriculum to the students.

That fateful Autumn, principal Tan Chang Wan (陈长万) passed away. Po Chiak Keng took over and renamed it to Po Chiak School. Tan Yu Xi (陈玉玺) was appointed as the new principal to lead the new school. The temple also allocated funding to repair the school building, expand the facilities, increase teaching tools, and expand school affairs. It also adopted new school curriculum which include additional subjects like Mandarin, Mathematics, History, Geography, Natural, Citizenship Education, English, Arts and Crafts, Music, and Physical Education, following the standard curriculum guideline from Ministry of Education.

Due to space constraint and lack of funding, there was no library in the school. However, teachers actually encouraged students to organize reading area themselves, whereby bookshelf would be provided and students could buy or bring suitable book to share it with the rest. With the full cooperation and effort from the principal, teachers and earnest learners, the progress had been very satisfying.

In 1955, Po Chiak School had accommodated 200 students with 8 classes in total and split into morning and afternoon sessions. It implemented dual-class teaching where 2 different classes were seated in the same classroom and taught by a teacher simultaneously. Despite weariness from the teacher, students behaved well and have good learning emotion that lead to productive learning.

In 1957, the school received subsidy from the government, and was able to expand with more teaching facilities.

Unfortunately, the city redevelopment programme had impacted many residents nearby and they slowly moved out. As such, the student enrolment also declined and the school was inevitably faced the closure in 1962.