• 15 Magazine Road, Singapore 059568
  • +65 6533 2880
Our History


保赤宫陈氏宗祠肇建于1876年,屹立马可新路(Magazine Road,俗称陈 圣王路)与马真街(Merchant Road)的交界处。 1974年政府把他列为古迹保留后,保赤宫便开始全面开放给公众及游客参 观。

百多年前,南来新加坡谋生的外来移民与日俱增,人事亦日趋复杂,各民 族间或各民族内部的纠纷与争端经常发生争论及武斗流血事件,造成人心惶惶 ,影响正常的经济生活。先贤陈元萧有感于此,决然把自己的船寮捐出设立宗 祠以团结宗亲,排难解纷;1876年(光绪二年)毅然发起建立宗祠号召,获其 他宗亲热烈响应,纷纷慷慨解囊捐献。宗亲陈笃生之子陈金钟、陈金声之子陈 明水以及丰兴与振成两家商号更是不遗余力。保赤宫终于在1878年落成。陈元 肃公居功至伟。

宗祠建成后,除了贯彻建祠既定宗旨与方针外,积极发展民族教育。1889 年宗祠借与宗亲依德先生作为“毓兰书室”课堂之用,专门教导本族宗亲子弟 。俟依德先生病逝后,即由其哲嗣长万接手教育事业,直至他与世长辞为止。保赤宫即刻承继校务,改名“保赤学校”, 聘陈玉玺为校长,拨款修葺校舍,扩充设备,增添教具,采用教育部当时规定的新课程准则,延续与发扬民族教育事业。战后新加坡的发展步伐快速,市区重建计划,带来破旧立新新土地的重新分配,影响所及,附近居民搬迁者多,学生人数日少,如此客观条件致使学校 终于在1962年停办。1954年,保赤宫宗祠发起“月圆会”,由宗祠之舜胄族团轮流主办。后因参加人数不理想,改为每逢春祭或冬祭时日设午宴款待莅祠祭拜先祖之宗亲,晚间设晚宴,让舜胄族团宗亲代表齐聚一起,共叙亲情。有百年历史的保赤宫经历经风雨侵蚀,不免墙垣崩坏皲裂,柱椽鼠啮虫蠹,匾楹漆料金箔斑驳剥脱,有碍瞻观。宗祠先贤遂于1926年、1966年曾做过一定程度的修葺。及至上世纪九十年代,因邻近修建地下交通隧道,危及本庙基础,致建筑结构遭受严重伤损。于是宗亲启算先生及宽成先生极力奔走筹措,终在1999年开始大事重修,在巧工修葺下,原有中华传统文化色彩的文物,都尽量被保留下来,此外增添了不少寓意深远的雕刻和匾额,原本颓倒在即的大庙,恢复古雅面貌,傲立新加坡河畔。

Brief introduction of

Po Chiak Keng

Our History

Po Chiak Keng Tan Si Chong Su was constructed in 1876 and is located at the intersection of Magazine Road and Merchant Road. In 1974, it was gazetted as a national monument and subsequently opened for general public and tourists’ visit.

Over a century ago, with the increasing high influx of foreign immigrants into Singapore to find a living, many matters became complicated. There were many occurrences of internal disputes or confrontation among the different ethnic groups which often lead to fight and bloodshed. This social unrest was worrisome and had also impacted the economy. Ancestor Chen Yuan Xiao (陈元萧) was deeply concerned on this issue so he converted his own ship to establish an ancestral assembly hall to boost cohesiveness among the clansmen and to resolve dispute. Again in 1876 (光绪二年), he was determined to build an assembly hall. The response from the clansmen was very encouraging and they donated generously.The construction was funded mainly by Tan Kim Ching (陈金钟) – the son of Tan Tock Seng (陈笃生), and Tan Beng Swee (陈明水) – the son of Tan Kim Seng (陈金声).

Their enterprises Kim Cheng & Company (振成) as well as Hong Hin (丰兴)enterprise had also contributed generously. The temple was finally completed in 1878. Contribution from Chen Yuan Xiao is certainly immeasurable.

After the assembly hall was built, besides implementing the intended objectives and directions, it also aggressively established education in the community. In 1889, clansman Yi De (依德) formed Yu Lan Study Hall (毓兰书室) within the premises of the assembly hall for educational purposes. After the death of Yi De (依德), this educational mission was then passed down to his son Chang Wan (长万) till his passing. Thereafter the temple took over the mission, renamed it to Po Chiak School (保赤学校) and hired Chen Yu Xi (陈玉玺) to be the principal. He allocated some funds to repair the school building, expand the facilities as well as increase teaching aids. He changed to new school curriculum as established by Ministry of Education and continued carry forward his mission.

Singapore’s development accelerated after the war. City redevelopment plan had brought upon new lands reallocation. Many residents nearby were impacted so they moved out. Hence, the school was closed in 1962 due to the declining number of students.

In 1954, descendants from Shun Clan took turn to organize Full Moon gathering in the temple. However, due to undesirable attendance, they replaced it with lunch for the worshippers who came to pay respect to their ancestors during spring or winter period. They also organized dinner for all Shun clansmen to get together and for bonding.

With history of over a century, despite the temple had braced through all sorts of weather, it suffered severe deterioration in the building. It was quite an unpleasant look with cracked walls, fragile or even broken pillars, faded or peeled off paints. As such, extensive restoration work had been carried out in 1926 and 1966. In the decade of 90s, a nearby construction work on underground tunnel had severely ruined the foundation and structure of the temple. The temple subsequently underwent a major renovation work in 1999 after the successful fund raising by two clansmen Mr Kay Suan (启算先生) and Mr Khuan Seng (宽成先生). With the amazing renovation skill, artifacts rich in Chinese traditional culture had been largely preserved. In addition, it was also decorated with many meaningful carved sculpture and inscription. This restored magnificent temple is gracing attractively at the waterfront of Singapore River.